With the uncertainties that the current pandemic presents, we realize that at any given moment our schools may once again have to shut down. We’re also aware that some of our students may not be able to attend school or there may be parents who wish to keep their children home. We want our families to know that the District will be prepared to provide instruction to all students in all scenarios, this includes the options of in school face to face instruction and virtual learning, where students will participate in school at home daily.
Sharon City Schools have secured the resources to implement a 1:1 initiative. This means:
Every K-12 student will be receiving a Chromebook at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year for use in and out of the classroom, as needed
Online learning and connection to our classrooms will be made available to every student.
We will maintain instruction regardless of how the District is impacted by COVID-19 closures or restrictions.
We understand that families may be hesitant for the children to return to the school buildings.
To discuss our virtual learning options, please contact Justi Glaros, Supervisor of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment, at 724-983-4000, ext. 4990 or justi_glaros@sharonsd.org or Click Here to access our Virtual Learning Form.
Sharon City School District Parent/Guardian Survey for the 2020-2021 School Year
CLICK HERE for an important message from the Superintendent of Schools.
The 3rd and 4th week Kindergarten Summer Packets will be available for pickup this Monday, June 29th, at the elementary schools during the summer lunch program from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. This is the last pickup for the summer. The Google Classroom will be active through July 10th.
Contact Justi Glaros, Supervisor of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment with any questions or concerns at justi_glaros@sharonsd.org or 724-983-4000 x4990.
Contact Justi Glaros, Supervisor of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment with any questions or concerns at justi_glaros@sharonsd.org or 724-983-4000 x4990.
May 27, 2020 Elementary Packet #3 Drop-off and Personal Materials Pick-Up will be held on Thursday, May 28 and Friday, May 29 between the hours of 9-11am and 2-4pm. All individuals entering the building must wear a mask and gloves. Masks and gloves are available at the school sites. We ask that only one adult or student enter the building to make the drop-off and pick-up. All social distancing practices will be enforced.
May 27, 2020 Locker Clean Out and Packet 3 submission will be on Thursday May 28 and Friday May 29th for students in grades 7-11. Students will follow the schedule below based on their last names. Only students will be permitted in the building to clean out lockers. ALL students must wear a mask and gloves while in the building. These will be provided for any student who does not have them.
·Students in Grades 7 and 8 will enter using the main entrance near the office.
·Students in Grades 9 and 10 will enter through the 2nd floor Forker doors nearest CPAS.
·Students in Grade 11 will enter through the main entrance doors as well.
A bin for all assignments will be placed in the vestibule areas for students’ packets to be dropped off.
Grade 7 - Thursday May 28th
8:00AM - 11:30AM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
A, C, E, G, I, K, M, P, S, V, Y
11:45AM – 3:00PM- Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
B, D, F, H, J, L, N, R, T, W, Z
Grade 9 - Thursday May 28th
8:00AM - 11:30AM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
A, C, E, G, H, J, L, N, P, S, V, Y
11:45AM – 3:00PM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
B, D, F, K, M, O, R, T, W, Z
Grade 8 - Friday May 29th
8:00AM - 11:30 AM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
A, C, E, G, J, L, N, P, S, W
11:45AM – 3:00PM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
B, D, F, H, K, M, O, R, T, Z
Grade 10 - Friday May 29th
8:00AM - 11:30AM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
A, C, E, F, G, J, M, O, P, S, U, V, Y
11:45 – 3:00PM - Students with the last names starting with the following letters:
B, D, H, K, L, N, R, T, W, AND Z
Grade 11 - Friday May 29th
3:00- 5:00PM - All students may attend any time in this span. Students will be monitored and limited to social distancing; due to class size this should not be an issue.
May 25, 2020 Staying Safe at Home flyer released. Access it here: https://5il.co/gowk
May 21, 2020 Please click the link that follows to read the most recent updated parent letter which contains important end-of-year information. https://5il.co/gd0s
May 1, 2020
Packet Collection Information:
On Wednesday May 6th and Thursday May 7th we will be collecting student work packets that have been sent home.
The elementary schools are only collecting packet #2 which was the packet that was mailed home. These packets can be submitted back to your school any time between 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM both days. These times coordinate with the daily lunch pick up so you can drop off the work and pick up lunch. Staff at each elementary school will have bins identified by grade level for students to drop them off.
The M/HS will be collecting BOTH packets 1 and 2. The M/HS will collect packets for students in grades 8, 10 and 12 on Wednesday, May 6th from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Grades 7, 9, and 11 packet collection will be Thursday, May 7th from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Be sure your name is on the outside of the returning envelope and that your name and your teachers’ names are on each packet on the inside so it can be returned to the correct teacher. There will be 6 bins clearly marked with the respective grade level. These bins will be in the vestibule area of the main entrance. Doors will be propped open - just drop your packet in the grade that relates to your grade level.
If you have more than one student in different grade levels at the M/HS you can drop off all the packets on the same day regardless of which day you were assigned based on your child's grade.
April 22, 2020 The District has released its Continuity of Education plan to the website. The plan is available for review using the following link: https://5il.co/ffyb
Please be aware that the completion date for materials packets mailed home/posted on Google Classroom has been extended to Friday, May 1, 2020. The next set of materials will be released the week of April 27, 2020 and with at home instruction beginning on May 4, 2020.
The Elementary Guidance Department has developed a website for parent use at this stressful time. Although provided by Elementary Guidance that information contained is worth review by everyone.
April 9, 2020 AT HOME LEARNING
During this time of school closure, all teachers are providing enrichment and review materials for all subject areas. We want to make sure your child has access to educational resources and encourage you to support them with the at home learning activities. All parents/guardians will receive a letter with their child's report card outlining the at home learning process. Please review the following information to access the District's online learning classrooms.
If you have access to the internet and electronic devices (iPad, laptops, etc.), please join your teacher’s Google Classroom. All students in grades K-12 have a district gmail account. You must use this account to access the classrooms.
Student accounts are first initial lastname studentID@sharonsd.org (student ID is the child’s lunch account number).
Example: jsmith123456@sharonsd.org
*If the student has a hyphenated last name, please use the name after the hyphen.
For example John Smith-Taylor = jtaylor123456@sharonsd.org
You can find directions for setting up the account and password information here:
Google Account Login Directions
You will need to join the class(es) associated with your teachers and/or courses. Elementary classrooms are set up by grade level.
You can find the codes to join a class here:
Case Avenue Google Classroom Codes Chart
C.M. Musser Google Classroom Codes Chart
West Hill Google Classroom Codes Chart
Sharon Middle/High School Google Classroom Codes Chart
Please review the Google Classroom Getting Started Guide for more support.
Questions and concerns? Email justi_glaros@sharonsd.org
Technology Issues? Email garrett_dout@sharonsd.org
April 8, 2020 Student report cards for the third quarter of the school year are being mailed this week. Enclosed please find information regarding the next release of online student work and/or packets. Work in these packets will cover the weeks of April 13 through April 24.
April 3, 2020 Please use the following link to access important information regarding the status of the school closures and other important information: https://5il.co/emwk
April 2, 2020 The US Department of Education has asked Learning Ovations to provide the following product free of charge to families of K-3 students. If you have a child in those grades or a student who is a struggling reader you may want to look at this site.
"The Learning Ovations Home Literacy Coach is a web-based application for K-3
reading instruction that can be used at the dining room table. It is not
an iPad game to distract, but rather, curated research based activities
designed by teachers for parents. Now each family can carry on learning to read support when their children can’t be in school. Learning Ovations Home Literacy Coach provides them with a specialized reading plan for each child while giving guidance and support" To access please use this site. Note that this site is free during the current crisis only.
March 31, 2020 Governor Tom Wolf has extended the closure of all PA schools "until further notice." As part of his order, schools are asked to continue to provide instructional materials for all children in the district. The Sharon City School District has provided instructional materials packets for students in grades K-12 which are effective from March 30 thru April 10. Additional resources are being planned for the two weeks beginning April 13. If you have not yet done so, please complete the technology survey found with the March 26 news below, which will help us explore options to deliver these materials.
Scholastic Inc. is offering an online set of resources that now include three weeks worth of resources and materials to support at home learning. These materials are updated weekly. To access the site please click this link: www.scholastic.com/learnathome
MIU4 Continuity of Education Planning for Parents and Caregivers - https://sites.google.com/miu4.org/continuity-of-education-planni/for-parents-caregivers
Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV has created a website where they will collect links to information and other resources for parents and caregivers to help their children continue their education from home.
Free Internet Offer From Spectrum
Spectrum is offering free internet and Wi-Fi access for 60 days for households of K-12 students who do not currently have service. Call 1-844-488-8395 to sign up for this offer. Visit https://www.spectrum.net/support/internet/coronavirus-covid-19-educational-internet-offer for more information.
March 30, 2020 Listed below are links to several articles that parents may find helpful as you work with your the children and young adults who are stuck inside during the COVID 19 pandemic.
This article is helpful for parents who have teenagers and young adults who are shut in at home during this pandemic:
This article is helpful for parents with younger children who are shut in at home during this pandemic
This article is for our parents....don't forget you need self care too!:
March 26, 2020 Please use the following link to access the District Technology Survey to assist as we gather information for supporting students in the event an of extended school closure. Click for Technology Survey
March 25, 2020 Please use the following link to access important information regarding the status of the school closures and the distribution of instructional materials. https://5il.co/e5ja
March 24, 2020 The district is currently finalizing instructional packets that will be distributed on Thursday for the elementary school students and on Friday for the middle/high school students. A letter with directions will be posted on this site on Wednesday, March 25. Also please note that Governor Wolf, yesterday, extended the school closure through and including Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
March 22, 2020
Governor Wolf, on Thursday, March 19 issued an executive order closing all non-life threatening sites across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As a result all Sharon School District buildings are closed to outside business with the exception of the lunch programs which are permitted under the order. Please note that lunches, along with a complimentary breakfast packet are being distributed Monday-Friday at each elementary school site. Youth ages 18 and under my pick up a lunch packet between 11am and 1pm. Note that the sites meet all social distancing regulations.
The district is also finalizing students instructional packets for all students which will be distributed beginning later this week. Distribution details will be posted online and shared with all families via our all-call system.
March 19, 2020 Please use this link to access the most up-to-date parent and community information regarding Sharon City School District's plans to address student needs during this pandemic. https://5il.co/dxmy
March 18, 2020 Please note that Scholastic Learning is offering access to the following online resources for families to use during the Coronavirus crisis and school shutdown. Please feel free to use them and our thanks to Scholastic!
User Name: Learning20
Password: Clifford
BookFlix (PreK-3)
TrueFlix (Grades 3+)
ScienceFlix (Grades 5+)
Watch & Learn Library (Pre-K – 3)
The website below provides all students with 20 days’ worth of learning journeys that span the content areas so you can keep your students actively engaged in learning while schools are closed. The Scholastic Learn At Home website does not require a username or password. The learning journeys are also accessible on any device.
Click on this link: www.scholastic.com/learnathome
Below is a link with access to Teaching Our World: The Coronavirus.
March 17, 2020 The Sharon City School District will be providing meals to students during the Coronavirus closure. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, brown-bagged lunch and a supplemental breakfast will be available to any Sharon resident age 18 and younger that needs it.
Meals can be picked up at the sites listed below Monday - Friday from 11:00 AM -1:00 PM. We ask families to follow the signs for entry into the buildings. Students must be present and may pick up only a single meal daily. No meals may be eaten on site. Also, no adult meals may be purchased at this time.
School Sites:
Case Avenue Elementary: Lower drive (traffic loop off of Case Avenue)
C. M. Musser Elementary: Cafeteria doors on Leslie Street side.
West Hill Elementary: Main building entrance
March 15, 2020 Please use this link to access the most up-to-date parent and community information regarding Sharon City School District's plans to address student needs during this pandemic. https://5il.co/dqgr
March 13, 2020 Update: The Sharon City School District participated in a series of calls throughout the day, organized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s agencies that have been charged with leading the response to the impact of COVID-19 throughout the state. Representatives from the PA Department of Health, PA Department of Education and the PA Emergency Management Agency shared updates with everyone in attendance. The SCSD remains in direct consultation with all of the Mercer County School Districts as we collectively look to make the best decisions for all of our students and families. Late this afternoon Gov. Tom Wolf made the announcement that all PA K-12 school were to close effective Monday, March 16 and remain through Friday, March 27, 2020. This closure includes all curricular, extra-curricular and interscholastic activities and practices., We will look to communicate any updates to everyone in our school community in the most timely way possible.
March 12, 2020 update: Please follow this link to access the most recent Coronavirus (COVID 19) information: https://5il.co/dmca Also, please note that despite the rumors that are circulating on social media - there are NO known and/or reported cases of COVID 19 infection in the Sharon Community or Sharon Schools. Please do not rely on social media as a means of accurate information.
We have updated this article to include a link that parents will find helpful in discussing the Coronavirus outbreak with their children. Please follow this link to access the information: https://5il.co/dg4g
The Sharon City School District takes the health and safety of our students and staff very seriously. Because of this, we are monitoring the current COVID -19 (coronavirus disease) outbreak very closely. Please note that the district has pandemic outbreak plans in place and will follow all directives of the Centers for Disease Control should the outbreak reach pandemic proportions in the United States. In the meantime, please review the information found at the following link which will keep you and your family informed about this developing story. https://5il.co/da3z