Health & Physical Ed.
#414 Lifeguard Training ½ credit
This course is offered to students who are 15 years of age or older. It may be taken only once in place of physical education. The objective of the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills designed to save their lives or that of another in the event of an emergency, thus First Aid and CPR are an integral component of this course. Students are required to provide bathing suits and towels and must dress and participate in each class unless they present a valid medical excuse. Grades are based upon the following criteria: daily attendance, class participation, and written and skill tests. Students not dressing or not participating in class for four days results in failure for the semester. Prerequisite - completion of a swimming skills test. A fee of $10 is required by the American Red Cross for the three certifications.
Physical Education
Physical Education classes are divided as follows:
#409 - emphasis on fitness components ½ credit
#410 - emphasis on individual activities ½ credit
#412 - emphasis on team sports and fitness ½ credit
The purpose of this course is to increase social and physical development in individuals. Activity clothes are required and include appropriate shirts and shorts, gym shoes, and socks. Students must dress for each class unless they present a valid medical excuse. Grades are based on skill tests, written tests, and daily participation.
#404 Personal Fitness ½ credit
Personal Fitness is an elective that may be selected in place of physical education. Students taking this course make use of the weight room, track, pool, and other specialized areas depending on the activity. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge to enable them to develop and evaluate their own Personal Fitness Program.
#400 Adaptive Physical Education ½ credit
Adaptive Physical Education is designed for students who cannot safely or productively participate in the regularly scheduled program. Students with permanent physical limitations will be placed in this class. An Adapted Physical Education Form must be submitted to the Physical Education Department before placement in this class. In this course, students participate in activities identified in the curriculum but adapted to their physical abilities. Additionally, some activities not listed in the curriculum may be used depending on the student's physical ability.
#422 Health ½ credit
Health is a required, co-educational course whose major units of instruction include: decision-making, basic first aid and safety, nutrition, drugs and alcohol, fitness and weight management, mental health with emphasis on understanding emotions, depression and suicide, human relations, human sexuality including HIV/AIDS education, coping with stress, cultural sensitivity and awareness, and health career options.
In this course, students develop the knowledge and skills necessary for life-long decision-making. The emphasis of this course is to work toward total wellness and prevention of illness to enhance the quality of life for each student.