Supervisor of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Michael Gay
Sharon City School District
Supervisor of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
The Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment works to facilitate the development and implementation of the District's K-12 curriculum, based on standards developed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and adopted by the Sharon City School District. Departmental responsibility also includes the implementation of the SCSD comprehensive assessment-plan, coordination of all local, state and federally mandated assessments and assistance with data collection and interpretation of results from the statewide assessments. The Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment also supports District staff in the development of standards-based classroom and local assessments. If you have questions related any of the following areas of responsibility please feel free to contact my office at 724-983-4000, option 7.
District Curriculum
Instructional Methods
Professional Development
Act 48 Hours
In-Service Planning
Teacher Certification
Comprehensive Planning/School Improvement
District Assessment Protocols
Federal Programs (exclusive to Title I)
English As A Second Language
Human Resources
Job Opportunities
Hiring Protocol
Title IX
Virtual Learning
Cyber Academy